Jun 10Liked by Adrian Neibauer

Adrian, this was my 15th year in the classroom and I also found myself feeling jaded and cynical. I’m glad to know I’m not the only one challenged by this, and I wish us both a rejuvenating summer so we can continue to do our jobs from a space of hope and love.

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Skyler, thank you for your comment. The more teachers I speak to, it feels like many of us are feeling demoralized and overwhelmed. It is hard to feel good about the work we do when there is just so much stress. I wish you a relaxing and recuperative summer, too!

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May 13Liked by Adrian Neibauer

Adrian, I hope the summer break brings you rest & rejuvenation. Teaching is a tough profession, and many who do it lack the right skills, but you are there for all the right reasons and your students are the lucky ones. They may give you a hard time, but they'll most likely look back and be grateful for the respect you showed them and the opportunities you gave them.

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Thank you! I’m counting down the days.

I appreciate your sentiment. Today was an especially hard one, and I hope that my students don’t look back on their fifth-grade and only remember the times Mr. Neibauer lost his temper. Just have to keep coming back with love and humility.

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May 14Liked by Adrian Neibauer

They may remember the grumpy times, but it's a reflection of you being human. You can't scrub all of that away. It's not healthy for you, nor for them. Better to be thought of as grumpy some of the time than a sweet robotic pushover.

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May 13Liked by Adrian Neibauer

I have a class with which I realized too late this year that too large a portion of the students have severe difficulties in executive function, particularly in self-awareness, impulse control, and focus. This has caused many of the students who don't have these issues to check out because they are constantly waiting for the others to get it together. I've realized that what everyone needs is way more explicit instruction and practice in these areas. How to actually accomplish that is the missing piece, unfortunately. Getting angry and frustrated at them for skills they simply do not have solves nothing, and yet that's still the status quo.

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So true! I feel like most of my teaching this year has been around impulse control and other executive function challenges. I don't think I can adequately teach content and focus simultaneously, which means something has to give, usually content. It's definitely frustrating, and you're right, taking it out on students doesn't help.

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May 13Liked by Adrian Neibauer

I am hoping (magically, in the middle of an international move) that I can come up with at least a few ways I can do both content and executive function at the same time. It's easier, I think, with performing arts, but as a classroom teacher, you might be able to think in terms of theater/drama.

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May 13Liked by Adrian Neibauer

An honest and powerful piece, Adrian. I think a lot of teachers in many countries will feel this. Have more miles in the tank than you, and am grateful not to feel the wear and tear too much, so making the most of that.

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Julian, thank you for reading. I appreciate your comment. Here’s to a restful summer and a less stressful school year next year!

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