Let me start by saying that I can spot good teachers by what they don’t say - good teachers don’t lead with assertions they are good; they don’t speak first about students’ weaknesses and vulnerabilities; they don’t lead with “these parents today…”. No, instead good teachers lead with “I’m not the best teacher,” “I may love this job differently than 10 years ago,” and “I have struggled mightily since the pandemic.”

Any teacher, any parent, any outside UN observer, anyone, they can read your posts and know without observing your classroom that you are an excellent teacher. Period.

Second, reading this post, I wonder, how many parents and students feel just as teachers do, and are we simply seeing them as having abdicated roles and responsibilities? As teachers, administrators, and a system taking time to ask and listen to our stakeholders responses to…”We’re now 3 years out from the pandemic, how does parenting, teaching, and school routine feel different?” And, ask for 1-2 observations each as for each facet as we are all in this together.

Now retired, I shared and lived your feelings and experiences. I look back on my career, and I miss aspects of it, dearly and deeply.

I appreciate your insights, your wisdom, and your willingness to re-enter the arena this year. Here’s to a great start of the school year!

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Wow! Thank you so much for these kind and reassuring words. I really appreciate your comment.

Each year, with each new group of students (and parents), I notice differences in how they relate to the pandemic and school. Unfortunately, I believe that many parents and students developed some bad habits with technology and engagement, and are trying to navigate school as best as they can. I think your reflection questions are important ones that all stakeholders should be asking. Thanks for your comment!

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I love this so much. I'll be spending the week searching for my own theme song for this year :)

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Be sure to share it when you find one!

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Even if it’s a Taylor Swift song? I don’t have your refined musical taste, lol

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